Useful Links

Clubs, Interest Groups, Etc.
Southern Ontario Antique Clocks - Facebook Group - A group for discussion about anything as long as it involves antique clocks. Share your latest find, ask a question, or just say Hi and be social. This group is mainly for Southern Ontario people but welcome all.
Canadian Clock Museum - Showcases the heritage of Canada's many clock manufacturers and sellers from the early 1800's to the present.
National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors -. Founded in 1943, The NAWCC is a nonprofit scientific organization that serves as a unique educational, cultural, and social resource for its membership and the public at large.
Suppliers, Etc.
Windows Timing Machine - Use your PC as a low cost clock timing machine.
Time Savers - TimeSavers is a worldwide distributor of clock parts and repair material, in business since 1975.
Merritt's Antiques - Good selection of clock parts and antiques.
Butterworth Clocks - Login with username butterworth and password butterworth to enter the site. Butterworth Clocks is the largest distributor of mechanical movements in the US, stocking over 300 different movement executions and 10,000 movements at any given time.
H & W Perrin Company - based in British Columbia.